Greetings—I’m an artist and educator currently living in Los Angeles. I teach multimedia studies in the School of Art, Design, and Art History at San Diego State University as an associate professor. I received my MFA in Art and Technology from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago in 2000.
My practice and research interests address ecological, historical, and activist issues related to land use and the built environment through hybrid documentary forms incorporating writing, digital media, photography, sound, video, installation, and locative media. My work investigates the repercussions of human development within the western United States evolving out of a rigorously researched area of interest focused on a particular subject, community or region to discuss complex, interrelated issues of the chosen site. Within my research I attempt to expose human values and political agendas that form our collective understanding of these places. Ultimately, my projects are designed to create awareness, educate and create a rich dialogue in relation to the subject at hand.
I have several projects that could possible relate to the conversation. I would say that these projects fit into the conversation within the ‘hybridity’ principle, as they are often multimedia, multi-form documentary projects. Below is an outline of these projects. Visit these sites directly or go to www.kimstringfellow.com for individual project overviews.
- Jackrabbit Homestead (www.jackrabbithomestead.com): A very soon to be released (launch is this weekend) web-based multimedia presentation featuring a downloadable car audio tour exploring the cultural legacy of the Small Tract Act in Southern California's Morongo Basin region near Joshua Tree National Park.
- Invisible-5 (www.invisible5.org): A collaboratively-created audio tour project of the Interstate 5 corridor between Los Angeles and San Francisco exploring the stories of individuals and communities fighting for environmental justice as well as natural, social, and economic histories along the route.
- Greetings from the Salton Sea (www.greetingsfromsaltonsea.com): A website and book (Greetings from the Salton Sea: Folly and Intervention in the Southern California Landscape, 1905-2005) examining the built and natural environment of Southern California’s Salton Sea.
- Safe As Mother’s Milk: The Hanford Project (www.hanfordproject.com): A website and physical installation examining the atomic history of the Hanford Nuclear Reservation through declassified photos, media and other documents available online from Dept. Of Energy’s Hanford Website.
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