Monday, March 2, 2009

Susan Rotilie, Introduction

I have been working in the field of museum education for over 30 years, which probably makes me a different generation than most of you all, but I am excited to be part of this conversation ( event? class? ). Bear with me if I get stuck with the "translations" of how to function in this environment. You are experiencing a learning curve happening live.
So my work as an educator at the Walker Art Center has taken me on very interesting journeys through the evolving practices of contemporary artists and visitor engagement. I usually say that at one point in my life I aspired to be an artist, but now spend most of my time discussing the work of others who are artists. But I am always energized by the way these conversations have stretched my thinking and understandings and enjoy when I am present to see others stretch as well.
So I look forward to having conversations with you and growing together.
-- Susan

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